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Half a year of colour inspiration painting

Suzie Cumming

This week I noticed that I am over half way into my colour inspiration practice. My plan is to have a years worth of colour inspiration studies that I can make into a book. Every week I take a photo of something that has inspired me, usually nature based, and gather a colour palette from that inspiration. From these first colour studies other ideas flow and I find myself loosening up and painting with no pressure for an outcome. I am looking forward to completing it and seeing how the colour palettes in nature change through the seasons. Here is some of the work that has emerged from this weekly practice.

If any of you out there are thinking about making a regular art practice for yourself I recommend just going for it. Little outcomes each week will eventually result in a lot of progress and a body of work to reflect on and build upon. I kept it simple and just chose one thing to focus on and that was colour. I am so happy that I am creating this hour or so a week to just paint with no agenda for an outcome, just a photo as a starting point. You can do it too!

I'd love to scale some of these ideas up. Making bigger artwork on canvas has always been on my 'to do' list and now we have a bit more space I am taking action on this.

These next few weeks are exciting for me as I am creating a dedicated studio space for my art practice in our old garage. There is lots of work to be done but it's already progressing with a few walls painted! Watch this space as this new area evolves. Just looking at that blank wall makes me want to paint something big on it, ooooh now there's a thought!!!

Bye for now and see you next month for another update!

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